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Humane Society International raised a complaint in respect of various bobble hats advertised on Sorelle’s website, which contained marmot fur despite being listed as “faux fur” products. As a result, the ASA asked Sorelle to remove the misleading claim regarding the bobble hats, and formally challenged all “faux fur” claims made on its website. This included three jackets, listed as “River Faux Fur Jacket – Black”, “River Faux Fur Jacket – Pink”, and “River Faux Fur Jacket – White”.
Sorelle was asked to provide photographs of product labels and evidence of the materials used in the manufacture of the jackets. However, it ignored the ASA’s requests for further information. The ASA concluded that because Sorelle was unable to provide any evidence to the contrary, the advertisements were misleading and the claims made could not be substantiated. The ASA asked Sorelle not to make any fake fur claims in the future without having evidence to demonstrate that no animal fur has been used.